The Pre-IPT—Oral Tests: Overview and Advantages of the Pre-IPT—Oral Test–Quick Quiz

Let’s pause here and take a quick quiz to review what we have covered before moving forward.


1. To administer the IPT Oral English Tests, the examiner must be proficient in:
  1. English
  2. Spanish
  3. English and Spanish

2. The IPT Oral Tests are administered: 

  1. in small groups (three to five students)
  2. in large groups (more than five students)
  3. individually

3. The IPT Oral Tests are scored: 

  1. as the student takes the test
  2. immediately after the student has completed the test
  3. within three weeks of the student taking the test

4. Testing time depends on: 

  1. the time of day the test is administered
  2. the language ability of the student being tested
  3. the grade level of the student